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Functional Components


Functional components are different from class components in that they do not extend a base class. Instead, they are just functions that take an object of props and return a template.

import { FunctionalComponent, MaybeSignal } from "sinho";

export const FunctionalGreeting: FunctionalComponent<{
name: MaybeSignal<string>;
}> = (props) => {
return <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>;

They can be used in JSX like this, where attributes are passed as props:

<FunctionalGreeting name="John" />

Note that functional components are not custom elements, therefore do not create a DOM element by themselves. Also, they do not have shadow DOM or scoped styles, and cannot be rendered by themselves. They can only be used in JSX templates.


You can access children in functional components by using the children prop:

import { FunctionalComponent, MaybeSignal, Children } from "sinho";

export const FunctionalGreeting: FunctionalComponent<{
name: MaybeSignal<string>;
children: Children;
}> = (props) => {
return (
<h1>Hello, {}!</h1>
<FunctionalGreeting name="John">
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

Unlike HTML tag nodes and custom element nodes, functional components can have children that are of arbitrary type, e.g. functions.