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Inline Styles​

You can use inline styles to style your components with the style JSX attribute on a native HTML tag or custom element. Inline styles are defined as a object where the keys are camelCased versions of the CSS property names, and the values are the CSS property values or signals thereof.

const [color, setColor] = useSignal("red");

return (
fontSize: 20,
Hello World!

It's also possible to define CSS custom properties in the inline styles object:

const [color, setColor] = useSignal("red");

return (
<div style={{ "--color": color }}>
color: "var(--color)",
fontSize: 20,
Hello World!

Component Styles​


You can use the Style component to include CSS stylesheets in your components. It is recommended to use the css template literal tag to write CSS:

import { Style, css } from "sinho";

// …

return (
<h1>Hello World!</h1>

h1 {
color: red;

Style Scoping​

If your component renders into the shadow DOM, the CSS in Style will automatically be scoped to the shadow DOM. This means that the styles will only apply to the elements inside the shadow DOM and not to the rest of the document, and conversely, styles from outside the shadow DOM will not apply to the elements inside, except for inherited CSS properties such as color, font*, and custom properties.

If you want to apply styles to the light DOM, you can use the light attribute on the Style component:

return (
<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<Style light>{css`
h1 {
color: red;

In case your component renders into the light DOM, all injected styles will be light by default.


Light DOM styles are not scoped. Use them with caution to avoid unintended side effects.

Dynamic Styling​

It is recommended to use static styles whenever possible. Static styles will only be compiled once by the browser and reused across all instances of the component by using contructable stylesheets.

However, if you need to apply dynamic styles, you can use signal interpolation in the css template literal tag:

const [color, setColor] = useSignal("red");

return (
<h1>Hello World!</h1>

h1 {
color: ${color};

Dynamic styles need to be compiled by the browser whenever the interpolation signals change.


You should prefer using CSS custom properties or classes to define different styles using static stylesheets. If you have to use dynamic styles, try to separate them from the static styles to avoid recompiling the static styles.